Best Steam Curling Iron

Babyliss Titanium Miracurl

Babyliss Titanium Miracurl

Natalie Styx Automatic Anti-Scalding

Natalie Styx Automatic Anti-Scalding

Tescom Salon Steam Iron

Tescom Salon Steam Iron

I had struggled for a long time with dry and nappy hair. They say a girl's hair is her crown, so I thought why not try and own my crown? I sought a solution and I found redemption from all these problems in the steam curling iron.

This product will help your hair grow in healthy conditions. How is this? First and foremost, it uses steam to curl your hair instead of heat, this means that the hair breakage has been nullified in all ways. Secondly, it keeps your hair moist thus the shiny look it leaves the hair with.

The main reason why most of us would go for this product is because it will curl your hair according to your liking. Well, apart from giving you beautiful bouncy curls, the product will give you curls that are well defined and long-lasting.

Most of you are wondering why not go for the regular curling iron? I will give you one or two secrets as to why. The steam iron can be used on dry hair meaning it locks the moisture in contrary to the regular iron where you have to dry your hair before using it. This feature alone means that your air will not only be healthier but also have a silky and voluminous look which is what most of us are going for. 

Best Steam Curling Iron List


Babyliss Titanium Miracurl

Babyliss Titanium Miracurl

This fantastic product made headlines after giving amazing results such as silky, bouncy curls. This is done by placing your hair in the pod and wait for the magical results. This magic is a result of the different temperatures you can use on your hair according to the result you want to attain.

It will ensure you a whole day silky curl which will look as fresh as you made it. In addition to giving you perfect curls, all the curls are consistent throughout the head. All these attributes have been confirmed by various customers and here is what they had to say.

First, most of the customers commended the product on the ease to use, others mentioned that the product provides amazing curls that long-lasting while others said that it was worth every penny. However, some complaints surfaced on the voltage being too high while using the product.


  • It is easy to use.
  • It provides bouncy, silky, long-lasting curls
  • It is quite affordable.


  • It uses a high voltage.
  • Complaints have surfaced on the counterfeits. 


Natalie Styx Automatic Anti-Scalding

Natalie Styx Automatic Anti-Scalding

Affordability is a key factor when going shopping. This is why I present to you this amazing product. In addition to affordability, this amazing product has been made with the latest technology that enables it to shut down after it is ready to curl your hair, this helps a great deal to efficiently use power.

That is a great improvising that has helped as this product is known to be dual voltage. On that note, this product can be adjusted to different temperatures too, according to your preference and the curls you desire. This makes the final product of the curls to be amazing and long-lasting.

Some feedback from customers suggests that it is easy to use and gives amazing curls. However, some say that it is not suitable for short hair.


  • It is quite affordable.
  • It is easy to use.
  • It can be adjusted to different temperatures. 


  • It is dual voltage.
  • It is useful for long hair.


Tescom Salon Steam Iron

Tescom Salon Steam Iron

This is a safe product to use on your hair as it has amazing features some of which include prevention of hair breakage. How does this product achieve this? It locks in the moisture while curling your hair leaving it healthy and preventing breakage.

It has been made with the latest technology which is why it is able to banish any frizz from your hair leaving it healthier. In addition to that, you can be able to adjust the temperature on the product according to your hair type, some of us with nappy hair can prefer different temperatures from the Caucasian type.

The response was massive from the target audience which cut across appraisals and criticism. Some praised the product is quite effective in terms of heating up, auto shutting and removing perfect curls. However, some complaints surfaced on damaging bleached hair. 


  • The results are amazing, defined curls.
  • It can be adjusted to different temperatures. 
  • It is quite affordable. 


  • It is hard to use as the instructions are not in English.
  • Complaints have surfaced on damaging bleached hair. 


Rejawece Hair Curler

Rejawece Hair Curler

This easy to use the product where you place your hair in the curling chamber and wait for the magic to happen is very effective first since you can adjust the temperature to different degrees. It has been developed with a timer. This is effective as it helps tell you your hair is ready and avoids burning of the hair.

It can also be used among all hair types and lengths. Apart from that, it has been built in such a way that it protects the hair from damages and it also helps a great deal in reducing frizzes. It is also quite portable meaning you can carry it anywhere at your convenience.

Feedback from customers suggests that the product is easy to use and quite effective. However, some complaints suggest that it is not very suitable for extremely long hair. 


  • It is quite portable.
  • It is easy to use.
  • It is suitable for all hair types. 


  • It is not suitable for extremely long hair.
  • It is relatively pricy. 


Automatic Ceramic Professional Iron

Automatic Ceramic Professional Iron

If you are looking for a product that will give you perfectly defined curls, this is your product. This product comes with many features that work together to give you the perfect results. I will walk you through these features.

First, it has a three-timer setting and an alarm which helps you tell when your hair is ready. This helps your hair not to get burned and ensures efficient results. It also ensures your hair is perfectly healthy by ensuring the hair is adequately hydrated even after putting the curls. Above all, and most importantly, the product is easy to use.

Some of the feedback we got from customers was that it provides very nice thick curls. In addition to that, another customer mentioned that the curls are long-lasting. However, some customers complained that the product left her hair frizzy. 


  • It is easy to use.
  • It can be used in all hair types and lengths. 
  • Its result is well-defined curls. 


  • Complaints have surfaced that it left a customer's hair frizzy.
  • The curls are not tight. 

What is a Steam Curling Iron?

Steam curling iron, like the curling irons before delivering those curls we are all dying to have. You know curls never run out of style, decade after decade, with each new generation looking for ways to do it better. Therefore, steam curling irons are one of those ways.

Steam curling irons are safer and gentler to your hair, while at the same time delivering bigger and better curls.

There is no difference in the looks and designs of a steam curling iron form a regular curling iron. However, functioning draws the line.

A steam curling iron uses steam to heat the hair for styling. As in curling iron, you place the hair in between the barrel and the clamp and curl up the hair as you move up.

Instead of dry heat, which can be harmful to your hair, these irons emit steam. Using steam will hydrate your locks and lock in the moisture in your hair.

The steam curling iron technology is an exciting invention as it does not cause any damage to your hair compared to curling irons. The best thing is you can use this steam iron on both wet and dry hair.

Also, steam is so effective. Since it appears in bursts, no hair can be tough to steam. The frizziest, coarsest, and curliest hair is turned to curls in a matter of minutes. The curls will also last longer than when using a regular curling iron.

Best Steam Curling Iron

How Do You Use a Steam Curling Iron?

Well, easy peasy. If you have used a curling iron before, then there us nothing different with a steam curling iron. Let's take a look at the procedure. 


Fill Up the Water Tank and Heat the Iron

The water tank of the steam curl iron must be filled for the curling iron to work. The steam used to hydrate and heat the hair generates from the heating water in the water tank.

Fill yup the tank as per the required calibrations. Do not let the tank overflow as this could cause danger if it spills or messes up your outfit.

Now heat the water to the required temperatures. Ensure that you regulate the temperatures to match your hair type. Too much heat can damage your hair, while little heat will not work the magic.

Fine or soft hair will require deficient heat. For coarse and thick hair, you can go in with ultra-high temperatures ton be able to make the curls. 


Comb Your Hair Thoroughly

In most cases, one will have shampooed, conditioned, and rinsed their hair before starting to curl. The good news is most of these steam curling irons work on wet or dry hair.

However, if you are working on dry hair, you will want to ensure that you comb through it thoroughly to remove all the frizz and tangles. You can have an easier time curling through well-groomed hair. 


Apply Heat Protectant Spray

In most cases, you will be told that infrared protects hair from damage. However, you may never know how much your hair can take before getting damaged, even with infrared protection. Therefore, what can you do for your hair?

Always ensure to use heat protection spray on your hair before you start styling it. The shower should be slightly sprayed, especially on the ends of your hair where it is vulnerable.

The hair spray acts as a barrier between the iron and your locks. It also ensures you get healthier and shinier curls. 


Divide Your Hair Into Sections

It is always easier to work in parts while you are dealing with your hair, whether while washing, oiling, or even spraying the hair. It ensures that no subsection of your hair is left untouched.

So, after you have sprayed your hair with heat protection spray, go on and divide your hair into smaller workable sections. When you move in with the steam curling iron, you will be assured better results with each curl.

Parting your hair into smaller sections will also help you avoid redoing a section you had already handled. It will enable you to do the styling partially. 


Curl Your Hair

Now you are ready for action! Roll your hair up your curling iron, but be careful not to overlap the hair. Overlapping will reduce the heat distributed to the hair, therefore producing imperfect quality curls.

Ensure to use a heat resistant glove to avoid heat damage. Also, work very carefully to protect your skin and hair from the hot steam iron.

After curling a section, you had parted, pin-up the section. Failure to pin a section of the hair you have already styled could have it spoilt while designing the rest of the head. It also ensures that the top curls stay in good condition.

Repeat the process on each section until you get the desired look. Once you have completed each part of the hair, ensure that you remove the pins and shake up the curls to fall. You will be able to identify a section of hair that is not complete so you can finish up.

Finally, you can style your curls to fall in the way you like, to the right or left or whichever side you desire. The commonly made mistake is combing through the curls while trying to style. The coils you have labored so hard for could be destroyed in a minute.

The perfect way of achieving your desired style is by only using your hand to move through your curls for a natural look. Use hair spray when you are done to give a lustrous look and hold the curls longer.

So, what should you look for while choosing a steam curling iron to ensure you bag quality and functionality? We have prepared a comprehensive buying guide with everything you need to know about steam curling irons. Let's jump right to it, shall we? 


The Hair Types

One's hair type will determine the kind of curling iron to be used on the hair, as well as the amount of heat the steam curling iron should be regulated to. For fine hair, minimal heat level will work the trick.

However, for tough and coarse hair, the maximum amount of heat should be chosen to curl the hair. The type of hair is an excellent determinant of the steam iron to use if you do not want to damage your hair!


The Barrel Sizes

Steam curling irons have barrel widths ranging from 3/8th inches to 2". The type of hair, again, will determine the size of the barrel to go for when choosing a steam iron.

A person with shot and fine hair should choose a smaller barrel size to ensure smaller and tighter curls. Smaller curls will create an illusion of a full head.

Long hair deserves bigger barrel sizes such as a 2" diameter to create bigger and loose wavy curls. 



Some steam irons have LED indicators on the body of the iron. The indicator serves as a warning when there is too much heat being dissipated by the steam iron.

Also, some steam irons have an auto-off feature that puts off the iron when there is irregular current flow in the electric circuit. The feature prevents damage to the steam iron and unwanted accidents.

The feature also helps to regulate excessive heat emission that would damage your hair. Ensure to look for such features while choosing a steam iron.

Note the following while using steam irons to ensure their effectiveness and aftercare.

The steam curling iron has a tank that should always be filled with distilled water. Using tap water could cause accumulation of salts on the heater leading to ineffectiveness and a generally shorter life span. The water reservoir is the source of the steam used to heat the hair.

Do not ever use steam iron without filling the tank with distilled water. A full tank can allow you up to 20 minutes of styling before needing a refill.

Always ensure to use heat protectant spray before moving in with your steam curling iron. Although this curling iron uses steam, it can still burn your hair. Therefore, you need to protect your hair.

Ensure you set the right temperatures for your hair type each time after refilling the water tank to ensure that you get the best results. The wrong temperatures could severely damage your hair. They could also fail to produce the right curls.


Having familiarized you with the top five steam curling irons in the industry, I would like to advise you to go with what will best fit your needs. This is after going through the buying guide. However, I would like to recommend the Babyliss Nano Titanium Miracurl. Why this specific product? 

Apart from being affordable, this product gives the best results. It leaves you with silky, perfect, bouncy curls. All this is attained even after leaving your hair perfectly moist. Furthermore, your curls will be able to last you over 24hours while still as fresh.

Reviews from customers show that all these attributes are actually true and also add to the attributes that it is easy to use. All these features make it all round to use this product. I highly recommend this amazing product. You will be satisfied!
Happy shopping!

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