Best Sensory Toys for Toddlers

Baby Einstein Musical

Baby Einstein Musical

Fat Brain Toys Spinagain

Fat Brain Toys Spinagain

Sassy Development

Sassy Development

Do you have a youngster back at home? Or are you expecting one anytime soon? Well, I suggest that you consider buying him/ her one or two sensory toys to keep them occupied and happy at all times.

Sensory toys have many benefits and affect how our children develop in many ways than we can imagine. Research shows that it is the activities that our children partake at their early development stages that will determine how they will turn up in many aspects.

According to the study, those kids that were active in their early stages end up being sharp and quick in their studies. As a parent, you should be wondering how you can make your kid productive at an early stage.

One sure way is by getting them Sensory toys. They not only boost their brainpower but also improve their communication skills and improve their creativity.

Being able to know the best sensory toy that your kid will benefit most from is the most crucial thing for you as a parent to know. Lucky for you! This article talks about some of the best Sensory toys for toddlers in the market today.

After going through this article, picking the best toy for your toddler should not be a problem for you at all.

Best Sensory Toys for Toddlers List


Baby Einstein Musical

Baby Einstein Musical

Do not underestimate the Einstein musical sensory toy; your kid could end up becoming the next Céline Dion in his/ her generation. It has beautiful melodies that many kids love to hear all the time.

This piece of an item makes kids develop the love for music because of the sweet, enticing melodies that are programmed in it. The toy has up to ten different tunes that your toddler can hear.

One thing I liked about this toy is that it simulates three senses of your kids, which are sight, hearing, and touching senses. It has brightly colored lights that move in a unique pattern; this feature increases the concentration span of your kids.

Another upside feature of this item is that it has a handle that is curved like a caterpillar and has rings of different colors on it that quickly move around the stem. You will learn later that kids love this feature. 

I highly recommend that you consider buying this toy for your baby at home. I can assure you that you will not regret this decision. Your toddler will turn out to be tremendous and active in the future.


  • It has a volume control button
  • It comes with AA batteries
  • It is multicolored making it visually appealing to kids


  • It is very delicate
  • Not all kids find it interesting


Fat Brain Toys Spinagain

Fat Brain Toys Spinagain

This toy has a base with a middle axis spiral plastic bar, the discs that are star-shaped or daisy are placed at the top of the bar, and kids just love watching the disc spin to the bottom of the axis.

One thing parents will like about the Fat Brain toys is that the discs have many bright colors that toddlers find interesting, and they will never let it off their hands for even a second. 

If your kid is one of those that find crying a cool hobby, then you should definitely consider getting them one of these toys. Fat brain toys will keep your kid busy all day, and they won't even remember to cry.

This toy is not only beneficial to your kids but also to you. It will prove to be very useful at that time when you will have visitors around, and you don't have a nanny. With this item, all will be well, as you just have to give them this toy, they will be occupied all along.


  • Colorful discs are appealing to many kids
  • It is quite cheap
  • Easy for kids to learn how to play with it


  • The middle pole can be dangerous to kids in case they fall on it
  • Placing the discs at the for long could be annoying to kids


Sassy Development Bumpy Ball

Sassy Development

This is the sensory toy you have to make sure that your kid has in his belongings. It is multicolored and has a variety of texture on its bumpy protrudes. This toy is very useful in improving kids' hearing, sight, and touch senses.

It comes at a low price, and its weight makes it perfect for kids that are six years old and above. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. The little rattling sounds the toy produces keeps the child exited all the time.

The Sassy development bumpy ball is a very safe toy. This is probably the main reason why many parents prefer it over other sensory toys. The toy does not have any sharp pointings that could harm your kid while playing.

If you are a busy parent and you don't have too much time to be around you kids all the time, I suggest you buy the Sassy bumpy toy for them since some toys require a guardian to be around just to make sure the kids don't hurt themselves with their toys.


  • It is strong and durable perfect for outdoor activities
  • It is light in weight therefore convenient for toddlers
  • It has soft texture appropriate for kids to play without getting bruises


  • The toy attracts dust particles
  • The plastic holding small plastic balls that rattle breaks easily


Manhattan Toy Atom

Manhattan Toy Atom

This toy has gained popularity because it is a multisensory toy that encourages reaching and grasping, which are essential for motor skills; also, the toy is made from durable plastic.

It is entirely small for the baby's hand to hold comfortably; Besides, this toy is easy for toddlers to learn how to use without intervention from their parents.

Another thing parents will love about this Manhattan toy atom is that it is a safe toy for kids to use. It does not have screws or sharp protruding that can injure a kid when he/she is having a good time. 

The Manhattan atom toy has its various parts colored; differently, this helps to stimulate the child developing visual system.


  • It is easy for kids to enjoy without help from their guardians
  • Perfect size for small hands
  • It has a variety of colors making it best at improving kids seeing capabilities


  • The noodles are delicate
  • Older kids may not find it interesting




The Dino-Sore-No-More sensory toy is a perfect toy that will help your kid when he/she is teething that will suit any kid who is three years old and above. It comes with a variety of colors to choose from; you can either pick green, cyan, or orange.

This product also comes with a book with some stories a loving mother or father could read to their toddlers during bedtime stories. In my own option, this sensory paves the way for a more interactive session between kids and their guardians.

Parents will love to see their kids constantly chewing this sensory toy and will help them with their teething fussiness.

I would recommend that when your toddler begins to grow teeth immediately, get one of these sensory toys for him/ her as these Dino-Sore-No-More has proven to be a necessity at such stage.


  • It is available in a verity of colors
  • It is easy for a kid to learn how to use and enjoy
  • It can be used indoors or outdoors.


  • This toy is flimsy
  • It is quite expensive compared to other sensory toys

Things to Consider Before Purchasing the Best Sensory Toys for Toddlers

Many parents out there tend to imagine that all toys are equal and perform the same task of keeping kids occupied and excited. Well, that is not the case! Each doll has been manufactured to offer specific aids to the kids, although we have some that are multipurpose.

It is not just about exiting your kids; you need to be aware of what character traits you want to impose on your kid, or what functionality does your kid needs to be improved, then you can buy a toy that will serve him/her well.

Research shows that children learn a lot through play; this makes buying sensory toys a vital activity for any parent to undertake, as the toys and activities we expose them to plays a significant role in their physical and mental development.

With many sensory toys in the market, it can be challenging to know which one will best suit your toddlers. Below are some of the factors that you should keep in mind while shopping for sensory toys for your toddler.

Best Sensory Toys for Toddlers


Safety of the Toy

Safety is a crucial factor to consider while purchasing a sensory toy for your kid. Safety must always come first. You should know that some gadgets can end up causing harm to your kids.

The age of your kid will determine which type of sensory toys will be safe for them. For example, sensory toys with too small parts like beads are not safe for little kids as they can easily swallow them, yet the same toy can be safe, much older children.

I addition, when you buy a toy for your son or daughter been keen to get one that rhymes with their age, the last thing you want is to buy a gift only to find out that you have insulted the person you awarded the grant.

I highly suggest that you avoid toys with screws as they can get loose with time. If your kid steps on a screw, it may cause harm and sickness, such as tetanus. Also, be reluctant to buy toys with sharp edges.

The sharp edges could innocently cut your kid's hand while playing with it or stub him or her when they accidentally fall on the toys. It is, therefore, crucial to know the appropriate safe toys your child can handle without endangering themselves

I would recommend that you go for those sensory toys that have a smooth texture, do not have sharp edges, and are bouncy. With these entire features, you will at least have peace of mind that your kid is safe playing alone with his/her toy.


Multisensory Experience

This is another factor that many parents get wrong. Remember that it is at this early stage that we mold our kids and train their minds to be sharp; the sensory toys play a significant role in doing so.

Many parents buy toys for their kids without knowing the primary purpose of the toy in children's development. I suggest that before buying that toy for your kid, be sure to understand how it is going to help your kids grow better.

As you are aware, we as human beings have five basic senses; sight, smell hearing, taste, and touch. It is essential for you to pinpoint the specific body sense your kid needs to be aided so as to improve and be a better person.

For sight, buy toys that are colorful or have contrasting colors and shapes; this will visually appeal to your kids. Touching senses can be improved by getting your kids' toys with different texture ranging from smooth to rough.

Hearing senses could be improved by having toys that remove little rattling sounds, or it can be a musical sensory toy. When you get your kid teething toys with a different texture, you will not only be improving their sense of taste, but you will also be keeping much busy.

My advice to you is that purchase sensory toys that are multipurpose, those that can help improve more than one sense in your kid's early development stages as it is economical.



All parents will agree with me on the fact that it is costly to raise kids because they require special treatment and care. Kids are delicate as they come; therefore, proper care should be given to them.

When it comes to buying your toys, it is an expensive activity for any parent out there. Toys are costly, especially the ones that are efficient and are known to have good results in the early stages of childhood development.

I would suggest to all guardians that they should not strain themselves financially by buying fancy sensory toys they cannot afford. There is no need to buy a toy that too expensive for you, yet you can cheaply get another that will serve the same purpose.

Although I am recommending for purchase of cheap sensory toys, you should be keen not to buy fake toys of low quality that will break after one week. The advantage of purchasing expensive toys is that they are durable and last longer.

Unlike cheap toys that will require you to buy new ones after a short while, the expensive ones that are made from high-quality material are durables, and your toddler could use for a much more extended period of time.

It will be wise to let the money you have deicide the kind of sensory toy you will get your kid than to make the toys decide the much you will spend on it.


Age of Your Kid

Is this toy age-appropriate to my child? This is a question that any keen parent out there should ask himself or herself while shopping for sensory toys for their kids.

I am sure that if you give a grown-up kid, a toy meant for a youngster, he or she will feel offended. They may have a feeling that you are diminishing them. It is, therefore, imperative that before you get a toy for any kid, make sure it is relevant to their age bracket.

Another factor to also keep in mind regarding the age of the youngster is that if you get a small child say six months old a toy for three years old, it is evident that this innocent toddler probably will not find exciting as expected.

The last thing you want to do as a parent is to buy a toy then realize that it has no use because it is either too low for your kid or much higher for you to play with considering age.
If you are not sure of what toy will suit the age of your child, I highly recommend that you go and ask the owner at the store to give you further guidance, you can also search online or ask close relatives who are good at the subject.


Is the Toy Open-ended?

This is an important question to ask yourself as a parent while buying sensory toys for your baby. By saying open-ended, I simply mean that the toy should have more than just one function or purpose.

Take, for example, a toy gun that can shot soap bubbles in the air and is also equipped with speakers to output some sweet melodies. Buying such a toy would be very wise because it is multipurpose, and that is what you need.

Another vital thing to note while shopping for sensory toys is to buy toys that your kids will grow with up. With toys being expensive as they are, it will be smart to purchase one that your kid will use all way as he/ she grows up.

The upside of buying toys that your kids will grow up with is that you will never have to buy toys every now, and then, once you buy one for them while they are too younger, you will have closed that chapter allowing you to focus on other significant things.

So as a loving guardian, my advice to you is that always go for sensory toys that your kid can use as they grow up since it will reduce the total expense you will incur on the toys you buy for the kid.



The main reason we get our children sensory toys is to get them excited and occupied all the time, this increases their concentration span, and in the long run, they end up being sharp individuals.

Therefore it is essential that while you choose the toys for your toddler, pick the best there is to get better results. How do you choose the best toy for your kid? Well, there are many ways for you to choose the best toy.

I would advise that you get the toys that are a bit challenging for your kids. Do not buy a toy that will be too easy for your kids to learn how to use and enjoy.

Get them a challenging toy; this will enable them to learn how to solve issues by themselves; in addition, such toys have proven to be quite educational.

Creativity is a significant factor to consider while shopping for your kid; I would highly recommend that you get the toys that have unique patterns, shapes, contrasting colors. If you want your kid to be the next Einstein of this century, consider this factor.


I am confident that every parent would love to see their kids turn out to be sharp-witted and quick on their feet once they grow up. And as you have learned from this article, it is their early stages of development that will determine.

It isn't much you can do about it yourself at such an early stage since you can barely communicate with your toddler at such age. The best you can do for them is buying them sensory toys they can relate to while playing with them.

Baby Einstein Musical toy is the best sensory toys among those we have reviewed in this post. It has colored lights that will sharpen your kids' vision system. The musical melodies stimulate and increase your kids hearing senses.

Also, it is light in weight, making it convenient for toddlers to hold it in their hands without getting tired. The Einstein Musical toy is also pocket-friendly; you will not spend more than what is required to buy this beautiful item for your toddler.

I highly recommend that today go to the nearest babies' store and buy the Einstein musical sensory toy for your kids and watch them grow in the image you want them to grow, which is nothing short of intelligent and active children. 

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