Best Home Arcade Machine

Creative Outdoor Distributor

Creative Outdoor Distributor

Prime Arcades, Llc

Prime Arcades


Abvideo Inc.

Let us roll down the years, allow me to take you back to a simpler time, an easier time, the 80's. If you were a child back then, then you would certainly remember what it was like to go to the arcade with a few coins and spend hours challenging your friends in virtual duals.

You can now relive those nostalgic escapades in the comfort of your own home. That's right, and it is now possible for you to enjoy arcade games, as the machines are being commercially sold. It would be awesome to take it back to the days before PlayStation and Xbox dominated the gaming scene.

If you are looking to complete your gaming room, or you just happen to be a collector, then you should fancy getting yourself one of these arcade machines. They are simply a must-have for you.

You obviously want to purchase the best arcade game, and this has not been made easy by the many choices that are available in the market. In recent times, the demand for arcade games has

shot up tremendously, and so several companies have joined the market for these kinds of games.
We have done thorough research into these arcade games and are here to assist you in selecting the best from an already broad market. The best machines are:

Best Home Arcade Machine List


Creative Outdoor Distributor

Creative Outdoor Distributor

Among gaming enthusiasts, this is one of the best and highly recommended arcade machines that you can get in the market today. This machine retains a modern look but still brings with it classic gaming features such as the stick shift style SANWA joysticks.

You will love the machine; it has got a massive 32-inch display. The angle of the display unit can be adjusted to the angle which you may desire. The gaming equipment is complete with circular barstools that have a leather finish.

This machine has been built to optimize on entertainment as it boasts compatibility with 3500 classic games, so say goodbye to boredom, as this is arguably the complete arcade machine for your home. The sturdy nature of the buttons and controls gives you the assurance that it was built for high-intensity gaming.


  • For an arcade game, the screen on the machine is quite large, and this will enhance your gaming experience.
  • The sturdy nature of the controls will give you the assurance of quality. The machine is designed to withstand force.
  • The device is compatible with thousands of games.


  • This machine is very bulky.
  • The manual is challenging to interpret.


Prime Arcades, Llc

Prime Arcades, Llc

With this arcade machine, you can forget about assembly costs as it comes fully set up from the manufacturer. This is not a common aspect of many arcade games. The user-friendliness of the commodity certainly makes it a top choice in the market.

The arcade game comes complete with two barstools, and you do not have to spend money purchasing the accessories separately. With a warranty that lasts five years, you will never have to worry about suffering losses due to factory defects.

This game has a 22-inch screen that gives you immersive gaming experience. The tempered glass will protect the screen from impact. The machine is compatible with with 1162 games so that you will be getting plenty of entertainment with this device. The arcade game can support two players at a go. 


  • The machine is user-friendly as no set-up is required. You simply plugin and start enjoying your gaming.
  • The warranty lasts longer than the duration other warranties typically do.
  • You will be provided with two custom chrome stools as free accessories with the purchase of this device.


  • The volume controls are not easy to access on this device.
  • The configuration options have not been explained in much detail.


Abvideo Inc.


If you want an arcade game that can complement the furniture and the décor of your living space, then this will undoubtedly be an excellent choice for you. Its furniture-like wooden exterior makes it fit into your living area so that it does not seem out of place.

The traditional joysticks further enhance your 80's arcade game experience, making this product quite superior to modern arcade game versions. The game has a 22-inch immersive screen that is sure to give you authentic gaming experience.

You will be provided with two stools as part of the gaming accessories. This means that you save on the costs of purchasing them separately. The system accommodates 412 different games, and this will surely keep you and your friends entertained for a long time.


  • The wooden design of the hardware gives it an aesthetic furniture-like look and makes it fit in with other items in your living space.
  • The joysticks are designed just like the traditional types used back in the '80s, this will surely enhance authenticity.
  • There is plenty of entertainment with 412 games.


  • There is no warranty available with this product,
  • The machine is cumbersome


Retro Arcade Machines

Retro Arcade Machines

This is one of the originally designed arcade machines that you would line up to playback in the day. For a machine its size, the device is surprisingly light. It is uncommon to find portable arcade games in the market, but this is one of the exceptions.

In terms of compatibility, you will be getting up to 412 games for you and your friends to enjoy. This is undoubtedly many hours of gaming; you certainly will not get bored. The machine has got a screen of 19 inches, and it is undoubtedly immersive enough for you to enjoy.

The controls of the device are well spaced to give you an easy time as you play, the joystick has been placed separately from the other buttons.


  • The design of the arcade game is undoubtedly going to bring back those memories from back in the day. It is one of the original tabletop designs.
  • You are assured of variety, as the device is compatible with 412 different games.
  • The placement of the controls makes gaming very easy,


  • The stiffness of the joystick makes maneuverability quite a difficult task.
  • The screen is not large.


My Arcade

My Arcade

This is one of the smaller versions of the traditional arcade games. It will be appropriate for you if you are looking for a light-duty and extremely portable arcade game design that still retains a high degree of old-school gaming authenticity.

The device, though light, can accommodate up to 20 classic games ranging from the world-famous Tetris to other childhood classics like Pacman. The device being a small design, the screen is only 4.5 inches, though the pixel quality is still fantastic.

The device features an audio headphone jack and volume control, with speakers at the front of the device. You will have to plug the game into an electricity source to keep enjoying your games.

The joysticks of the arcade game can be removed if you want to play without them.


  • Unlike many arcade games, this is a lighter and very portable alternative, and this makes it ideal.
  • This is one of those rare designs in the market that features an audio headphone jack, meaning that it allows you to play anywhere, without being a nuisance.
  • The traditional joystick gives you an authentic feel of the 80’s gaming experience.


  • You will need a plug point to play, and this significantly minimizes the portability of the game.
  • As compared to alternatives in the market, the selection of the games is minimal.

Things to Consider Before Purchasing the Best Home Arcade Machine

Back in the '80s, and also for a significant chunk of the '90s, arcade games were all the rage among kids and teens. Many of us could not wait till the weekend, or after school for a chance to take a crack at our favorite games down at the local arcade.

Nowadays, there is a lot of privilege with the introduction of popular gaming consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox. It is now so much easier for kids these days to enjoy gaming from the comfort of their living rooms, and so can you!

There has been, in recent times, a surge in demand for traditional arcade games, as many people would like to relive the early days of gaming. The number of home arcade machines has also exponentially risen, and the products have become so many.

This has only made it harder for buyers to discern what the best machine should be, seeing as to how they all look ideal on face value. You obviously want to purchase the best device that will offer you the most authentic game simulations from the '80s, but if you are going to do so, there are several factors that you should consider.

Some of the critical factors are:

Best Home Arcade Machine


This is an important factor that you should be on the lookout for if at all, you are going to select the ideal arcade machines. These machines come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from modern desktop sizes to cabinet-sized games.

Your selection, in this case, should be guided by how much space you have, or how much space you would be willing to part with. If you are tight on space, then you should go for the tabletop variety, as they consume less space.

For those who have ample storage space, then consider purchasing the arcade cabinet, as it will suit you perfectly. For you to have an immersive gaming experience, select a machine with large screen size.

There are great portable alternatives; however, the screen sizes are minimal. If you are not planning to move the machine a lot, then it would be alright for you to select the bulky alternatives.


Multi-game and Dedicated Systems

Before you purchase an arcade machine, be sure to find out whether or not the device is dedicated. What is the difference between a Multi-game and a dedicated system? Whereas a dedicated system is only compatible with the parent game, a multi-game system allows you to play different types of games om the same machine.

Many people prefer the multi-game system as opposed to the dedicated ones. If you want to maximize the range of games, then you should pick the system that supports several games. This is undoubtedly an enjoyable alternative.

Dedicated systems might appeal to you if you happen to be a real fan of particular merchandise, though flexibility, in this case, is limited.


Single-player Systems and Multi-player Systems

This is another cornerstone of selecting the ideal arcade machine. It is imperative that you have this in mind before making a selection. For arcade games, single-player machines are those ones that support only a single gamer at a time.

Single-player machines are ideal for games that have story modes. Multi-player machines, on the other hand, support more than one gamer. They allow you to challenge other players in versus format games, and the winner is the one who scores more points.

Multi-player games are ideal, as you will be able to play with friends and, at the same time, support games that require only one player at a time.


The Number of Games That Are Supported

This is a critical factor that you need not negate. If you want to have as much fun as you possibly can, then select an arcade machine that supports several games. This would, of course, be on a multi-game platform.

There are excellent choices for systems that support a high number of games in the market. A single system could have over 3000 games, which are enough to last lifetimes, you probably wouldn't play them all. It would be great to discover new games every day.
To maximize fun, always go for a machine with a high number of games.



Before you purchase an Arcade machine, take note of the system. This is what is going to determine the degree of compatibility of the games that you wish to run on the device. There are basically two major systems, that is JAMMA and MAME.

The difference between the two is that JAMMA is a system that is similar to those ones that were used to run the early arcade machines; MAME, on the other hand, was used on software for emulators.

JAMMA is ideal as it gives a very similar feel to traditional arcade games, though MAME can be reprogrammed to suit user preferences.



We usually make up our minds on whether or not we wish to purchase a commodity almost exclusively on price. This is also the case if you are looking to buy a home arcade machine. It is vital that you consider that the amount of money you are spending is reasonable.

It is financially prudent to ensure that you spend within your budgetary limits. You do not have to break the bank when purchasing some of the machines. There are very many affordable options that still bear the same degree of functionality as their expensive counterparts.

It is pivotal that you maximize the value for money that you will be getting. This means purchasing a commodity that gives you the right quality and gaming quantities for the right price. If the price happens to be high but is a true reflection in quality, then it is worth investing in.


The Sturdiness of the Controls

It is essential that you select a device whose controls are of good quality. Typically, arcade game controls are meant to be roughed up and pressed with a lot of force. The controls should be strong enough to withstand this type of force.

The ideal controls are supposed to be sturdy, and at the same time, maintain a very high degree of sensitivity in such a manner that the commands to not delay when you are playing. The joysticks should also be flexible and have the ability to rotate in a 360-degree motion so as to avoid breakage.



For any gaming system and not just arcade games, it is vital that you select controls that are very comfortable to use. You should not strain when playing games on your arcade. The elevations of the controls should be just right, and this will go a long way in ensuring that you are comfortable.

Playing on uncomfortable home arcades could potentially result in repetitive strain injuries, and this would be undesirable. Muscle fatigue is also commonly associated with using uncomfortable arcades. Do not overlook overall ergonomics when selecting these machines for the sake of your health.



Aesthetics are critical in any gaming system. They enhance the authenticity of the 80's arcades. The arcade machines you pick should at least bear some sort of theme that identifies them to a particular timeline.

It is not uncommon for you to find machines that bear designs that are similar to those ones initially used back in the day. It would not hurt to pick the devices that bear this kind of identity for the sake of originality.



You should select a machine from a manufacturer who provides you with all the necessary accessories that you will require for the purposes of setting up and running arcade games. This is very important.

Getting the accessories with your purchase will save you the cost of having to get the items separately. You will also have the assurance of compatibility with the purchase. Some accessories that are bought independently are, at times, not compatible with the machines.
It is advisable that you purchase from a manufacturer that will offer you all the accessories to avoid these issues.



Many buyers tend to overlook this, but it is crucial that when you are making your purchase, you select a product that is either easy to set up or one that is plug and play. The plug-and-play being the preferable alternative.

Some machines are really complicated to set up and will give you a challenging time. Some require professionals to assist you in installation, and this could come at a fee. The level of user-friendliness is guaranteed if the machine that you are getting is plug and play.


Pixel Quality

In order for you to gain the most immersive and authentic gaming experience, you should purchase a device whose screen has a high resolution. The screen size might be great, but if the resolution is terrible, then it is not worth investing in.

The specifications should indicate that the product has got several pixels per inch in order for the picture quality to be excellent.



The device settings should be easy to configure, and the user manual should offer step-by-step instructions to assist the user in configuring the device.


The '80s and '90s were indeed a simpler time. Arcade gaming was at its prime in terms of popularity, and very many kids and teens had taken to them. Gaming back then was considered a social activity, as you would line up with your friends in the afternoons or during the weekend for a chance to play.

The fact that these arcade games have gone commercial, and you can now enjoy them at the comfort of your own home gives us the opportunity to relive the golden days of yesteryear. Sure, gaming has come a long way, with modern-day video games and 8K screens, but there's just something to old-school games that many still find appealing.

Selecting the ideal device can prove to be quite a tenuous task, you will need to be at the very top of your game -pun intended, to make the correct choice. There are very many to choose from, and this makes selection quite tricky.

The article has listed the best arcade games and the factors that you need to take into consideration if you are going to make the best purchase. If you still happen to be undecided, I strongly recommend the product from Creative Outdoor Distributor.

This has simply everything you would want in an arcade game, from the range of games to screen size. I'd advise that you purchase it today.

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